
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Yamaha SY85: Класичний Синтезатор 90-х

Yamaha SY85: Класичний Синтезатор 90-х

Yamaha SY85 - це музичний синтезатор, який став класикою в світі електронної музики. Випущений в 1992 році, він швидко завоював популярність серед музикантів завдяки своїм потужним можливостям і багатому звуковому арсеналу. У цій статті ми розглянемо історію створення SY85, його технічні характеристики, а також його вплив на музичну індустрію.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Is there a shortcut to put Mac to sleep?

Is there a shortcut to put Mac to sleep?

On my way to understand and make familiar for me a MacOS I use to search how to use DEFAULT shortcuts in Mac OS. It is easy to me to use the others Macs and don't change its settings. 

LogOff from Mac like WIN+D in Windows:


Put Mac to sleep (to turn off the screen) 

CTRL+Command+Q and then ESC(escape)

Sunday, February 11, 2024

MacOs additional mouse keys work like in windows!

 This is the where we can download this beautiful app. It is just unbelievable! I can use my favorite mouse like in windows is well and more than - now it is customisable as newer before ))



Sunday, February 4, 2024

SNMP browser and viewer

iReasoning MIB browser is an indispensable tool for engineers to manage SNMP-enabled network devices and applications. It allows users to load MIBs, issue SNMP requests, and receive traps.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Best Online Diagram Software. Offline version for Windows and MacOs.

 I found the best diagram software available online and offline.

Here it can be downloaded for macOS and Windows.

Shortcuts in Excel for Windows and MacOs

 I just found an This is a cool site that shows the difference between the Windows shortcuts and MacOs shortcuts for MS Excel

MacOS also has a cool program called Numbers but unfortunately, it is some problems with the edit .numbers format for Windows users